Bartosz Bierkowski - Low dose cloud


Minishift: recover .kube/config

Minishift: recover .kube/config

I deleted my .kube/config file, which stores the configuration for OpenShift cluster in Minishift. The cluster accepts any user, so it's not a problem. Only when you want to h...
OpenShift CLI Morsels: access all api objects

OpenShift CLI Morsels: access all api objects

Changes in oc client from OpenShift v3.10 to v3.11

Changes in oc client from OpenShift v3.10 to v3.11

All OpenShift Morsels

All OpenShift Morsels

OpenShift Morsels: rolling back the deployments

OpenShift Morsels: rolling back the deployments

OpenShift Morsels: pausing deployments

OpenShift Morsels: pausing deployments


Scripting in Scala

Scripting in Scala

Recently I needed to try out some ideas around web scraping. The app was a regular web scraper that downloads some pages, extracts data and saves them to disk. I wanted to just occ...
Learning Scala: Scala Exercises

Learning Scala: Scala Exercises

Learning Scala: Scala Koans

Learning Scala: Scala Koans

Learning Scala: Coursera

Learning Scala: Coursera

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