Bartosz Bierkowski - Low dose cloud

Author: Bartosz

Minishift: recover .kube/config

Minishift: recover .kube/config

minishift, OpenShift
I deleted my .kube/config file, which stores the configuration for OpenShift cluster in Minishift. The cluster accepts any user, so it's not a problem. Only when you want to have a look around and become an admin, you need system:admin credentials or cluster-admin privileges. Creating initial project "myproject" ... Server Information ... OpenShift server started. ...
OpenShift CLI Morsels: access all api objects

OpenShift CLI Morsels: access all api objects

When learning about OpenShift, it is good to know what kind of resources you can access. I mentioned earlier listing all objects and types, but you can actually access many more api objects using just the oc client. I found a command displaying all the APIs accessible from oc. First one displays all cluster level resources and the second one namespaced resources. oc api-resources --namespaced=false NAME SHORTNAMES APIGROUP NAMESPACED KIND componentstatuses cs false ComponentStatus namespaces ns false Namespace nodes no ...
Changes in oc client from OpenShift v3.10 to v3.11

Changes in oc client from OpenShift v3.10 to v3.11

Featured, OpenShift
With each new version of command line tool, especially one so dynamically evolving like OpenShift client, I am always curious what are new features added. The new API objects are mapped into new commands, but usually there are more changes under the hood.So, I ran a little diff between top level commands of oc 3.10 and oc 3.11. There are many changes in the descriptions of commands and their parameters. There are many repetitions for --output, --timeout, but I am not going to cover that. There seem to be a new command called wait.A similar parameter --wait has been added to several other commands: oc deleteoc applyoc replaceoc run It allows waiting on a resources to be deleted. So, it is no longer asynchronous "fire & forget" operation, but a blocking one. It could be a go...
Scripting in Scala

Scripting in Scala

Featured, Scala
Recently I needed to try out some ideas around web scraping. The app was a regular web scraper that downloads some pages, extracts data and saves them to disk. I wanted to just occasionally run it from shell to gather output, without too much thinking on how to launch it. Where I want to get As always there is a choice of technology to be made and immediately bash/python came to my mind, as most of the tools are already installed on the system. On the other hand I needed to run a quick proof of concept, that I could later turn into an application. I have decided to revisit then what can be used to write Scala like shell scripts. First approach First solution that I have seen already a while ago is described at It ...
All OpenShift Morsels

All OpenShift Morsels

Featured, morsels, OpenShift, OpenShift CLI morsels
There are quite a few OpenShift Morsels available already, so let me put them on a single page for a faster search and browse. Basic knowhow Short knowhow transfers, some small tips how to setup something or learn about OpenShift client. OpenShift CLI morsels: getting docs from oc client OpenShift CLI morsels: showing labels of nodes in columns OpenShift CLI morsels: enable oc shell completion OpenShift Morsels: labels vs annotations   Daily operations Commands that can be useful on daily basis and not necessary fit other topics. OpenShift Morsels: displaying more information using json path OpenShift Morsels: displaying more information using go template OpenShift CLI morsels: updating objects non-interactively   Images OpenShift CLI morsels: sea...